For Olivia's 9th birthday this year, Olivia decided to hold a cupcake sale in lieu of a party.
This was not just an ordinary cupcake sale, but part of a nation wide Cupcake Kids campaign organized by Sixty Feet, a non-profit that helps the imprisoned kids in Uganda. (Yes, some orphans are put in prisons in Uganda because there is simply no where else for them to go. These are some of the millions of kids that will most likely never make it onto an international adoption waiting child list.)

All of the kids got in on the fun, including Peter (standing like a robot) and his friend Finn.
And Ellie, who is helping us between moments of frog-catching.
I don't have a picture of Nicholas, but he was very excited to be the banker. He handled all of the cash-ola and was please indeed to announce our grand total of $209 profit.

After a hard day of peddling sweets, these Cupcake Kids went off for a fun evening at the theatre, seeing Cirque Shanghai. I love how they still hold hands at age 9. These two have been besties since they were born.
Happy Birthday, my big girl! You are my such a compassionate, smart, sassy, love of a girl. I am so blessed that you made me a mommy 9 years ago. I love you!!
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