After Nickie's wedding, we travelled south a few hours to Colonial Williamsburg. Since we are studying the Revolution, it seemed like perfect timing. We had just finished reading Johnny Tremain, and the kids were really into the time period.
We stayed in a restored historic house right in the town. It was really perfect because (1) it fit all of us and (2) the kids got really into character, pretending they were the "Lewises" -- the name of the family that actually owned the house in the late 1700's. This went on night and day.
The house was actually owned by the father of Martha Washington (nee Lewis); it was pretty cool.
We had our own tiny backyard, which is always good when you have kids, especially young boys who like to dig up stuff. Here Peter and Nicholas are planting some cotton seeds that they got from the spinning and weaving presentation we attended that day.
We spent a lot of time just walking through the town and looking in the shops. It was so neat to see what a town was like in the Colonial period.
Here is the pharmacy. The coolest part, according to the kids, was the real human skeleton in the back room.
Ellie's favorite part was the horses.
Olivia's favorite part was the dress-up. She was on a mission to find a colonial dress, and that she did. We found the dress-makers, and she tried on bonnets, smocks, and dresses. And, for an early birthday present, received her very own outfit. Voila: meet Anne Lewis! Olivia did not grace us with her presence the entire time we were there; instead Anne Lewis spoke to us with a British accent while we toured the town.

The boys just opted to buy muskets.

This was such a good family trip. We were sad to leave, but, as always, eager to get back to
home sweet home.
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